Daniel Jauslin
Co-founder & PhD landscape architect MSc
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since 2023 lecturer & director international ENSP Versailles & Marseille
2019 PhD "Landscape Strategies in Architecture" TU Delft
since 2018 director DGJ Pasyages Paris
since 2015 director DGJ Landscapes The Hague Zurich
2015-2018 Lecturer Landscape Architecture Wageningen Uni NL
2011 State Exam Landscape Architecture The Hague
2011 repositioning DGJ Architects & Landscapes The Hague
2008-2009 Lecturer & Researcher Landscape Architecture TU Delft
since 1999 co-founder DGJ Architects Rotterdam Frankfurt Zurich
1999-2004 Visiting Lecturer Zurich Uni of Arts and Innsbruck Uni
1997-99 Landscape Architect & Lead Designer West 8 Rotterdam
1997 MSc Architecture & Urbanism ETH Zurich
1997 Competition Architekt E2A Zurich & OMA Rotterdam
1997 Exhibition Desiger Miller & Maranta Architekten Basel
1994 Intern Max Dudler Architekt, Berlin
1991 Intern 4 Lignes und Remy Butler Architecte, Paris

Daphne Keegstra
Director Atelier Zurich
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since 2023 Director DGJ Paysages Atelier Zurich
since 2018 urban and landscape lead designer DGJ Landscapes Zurich
since 2015 urban and landscape designer DGJ Landscapes The Hague
2015 Master Urban Planning and Design TU Delft
2014 Intern DGJ Architects & Landscapes The Hague

Hans Drexler
Co-founder & principal architect DGJ Architektur Frankfurt
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1999 bis heute DGJ Architektur GmbH
Gründer und Geschäftsführer
2014 - 2017 Jadehochschule Oldenburg
Verwalt. Professur ‚Konstruieren und Energie- und Gebäudetechnik‘
2009 - 2014 Münster School of Architecture,
Vertretungsprofessur ‘Baukonstruktion und nachhaltiges Bauen’
2013 - 2014 Hochschule Rhein-Main Wiesbaden,
Lehrauftrag ‘Gebäudelehre und Städtebauliches Entwerfen’
2005 - 2009 TU Darmstadt, FB Entwerfen und Energiesuffizientes Bauen
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
2002 - 2004 Lehraufträge Städelschule Frankfurt am Main
2015 - 2017 TU Berlin, Promotionsstudium Entwurfsbasierte Promotion PeP
Abschluss ‘summa cum laude’, September 2020
1998 - 1999 University College London, Bartlett School for Architecture
Master Programme Peter Cook, Prof. Christine Hawley and CJ Lim
Master of Architectural Design mit Auszeichnung (distinction)
Jahresstipendium des DAAD
1998 ETH Zürich, Diplom, Diplomarbeit bei Prof. Dr. Marc Angélil
1995 - 1997 ETH Zürich, Diplomstudium
1997 - 1998 Städelschule Frankfurt am Main, Studium bei Prof. Peter Cook und Prof. Enric Miralles
1992 - 1995 TU Darmstadt, Vordiplom
2018 - 2027 Berufung in das Kuratorium der IBA Stuttgart 2027
2012 - 2017 Gründung des Aktivplus e.V., Vorstandsmitglied 2012 - 2017
2012 Berufung in den Konvent der Bundesstiftung Baukultur
2009 Berufung in den Bund Deutscher Architekten (BDA)

Gabriella Speich
office manager, controller & permaculture designer
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2021 professional training social farming SoLaWi
since 2020 professional training permaculture design
since 2018 office manager & controller at DGJ Landscapes part-time
2016 Diploma Financial Specialist Public Sector Weinfelden
2015-2022 Accountant BAB Services Frauenfeld
2000 Diploma Translator English AKAD Stuttgart
since 2020 Freelance Translator German/Italian/English
1980-96 Financial Assistant (Various) Egyptair ZHR
1986-88 Senior Secretary Air Canada ZHR
1981 Diplom Handelsschule

Fererico "Freddy" Curiel
Asia Representative & Founder Lapis Bureau Shenzhen
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2019 new premises Lapis Bureau Shenzhen Futian Free Trade Zone
since 2011 Based in Shenzhen China
2011 co-founder DGJ Architects & Landscape Ltd. Hong Kong
2009-2011 DGJ Architects & Landscape BV Rotterdam
since 2006 he collaborated in several architecture studios in Italy, the Netherlands
2009 Politecnico di Milano MSc Architecture and Landscape Planning with Honours
2008 TU Delft, Urbanism & Landscape Architecture
KArch Royal Academy Copenhagen, Denmark
IUAV (Venice, Italy) and ). Later on he gained his master degree in at
1983 born in Italy