swiss spring school 01

arts and crafts –– smart

SwissSpringSchool is organized by the Architectural Council of Switzerland. It is a project week offering a new joint teaching format and a discussion platform of all Swiss schools of architecture.

Building today is becoming increasingly industrialized and digitalized. At the same time, good architecture, especially in Switzerland, is characterized by high demands on individually optimized craftsmanship and entrepreneurism based on innovative prototypes. SwissSpringSchool uses and addresses the specific quality of artisan culture in Eastern Switzerland and neighbouring Vorarlberg. It is due to take place in 2019 at ArchitekturWerkstatt, University of Applied Sciences, FHS St. Gallen. Each participant school will be in charge of one design studio.

Students can apply until 15 January 2019.

2019.2.08 - 2019.2.15
ArchitekturWerkstatt, FHS St.Gallen, Hauptpost, 2. OG
St.Leonhard-Strasse 40
9000 St. Gallen
FHS St.Gallen
