Future Sense: Symposium II

Sustainable development can be addressed from multiple viewpoints and disciplinary angles.

The discourse can address the issue from the perspective of natural resource and energy management, with regard to social justice and the distribution of wealth, or we can consider sustainability as a systemic issue intrinsic to processes in economy, society, and culture. Under the title future sense, the FHNW Academy of Art and Design (HGK FHNW) presents a loose series of lectures at the Campus of the Arts in Basel, inquiring into the question of how artists and designers can contribute to a sustainable future.

The event is free of charge and will be held at the Campus of the Arts Basel, FHNW Academy of Art and Design, 4142 Basel/Münchenstein

25 October 2019, 09:00
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst FHNW
Freilager-Platz 1
4142 Basel/Münchenstein
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst
Further Information
