ROB|ARCH conference

The ROB|ARCH conference series is a collaborative effort between the co-hosting universities, industry partners, and the Association for Robots in Architecture. The adoption of digital fabrication in the creative industries continues to accelerate as the potential for innovation and creative expression using robotics is being harnessed. The ROB|ARCH conference series aims to allow practitioners to share expertise, to bring together teams of international researchers, to foster networks, to increase knowledge, and to stimulate innovation. To achieve this aim the ROB|ARCH conferences combine academic presentations with hands-on workshops held in the three days preceding the conference.

ROB|ARCH 2018 will provide hands-on experience with the most recent robotic technologies as well as a platform for dissemination and an opportunity for researchers and industry to exchange expertise, explore methods, compare techniques and forge new connections.
For 2018 we are again sending out a CALL FOR WORKSHOPS and encourage researcher, industry, and talented individuals to propose a workshop for ROB|ARCH 2018.
For details, visit the CALL FOR WORKSHOPS page.